Send data to InfluxDBv1.x and display it with Grafana

For this integration we will use InfluxDB’s HTTP/HTTPS EndPoint.

We need to first configure InfluxDB to receive json data from Mugnsoft integrator. The InfluxDB’s endpoint authentification is optionnal, so is the user creation. Then we will define a Mugnsoft integrator component that will forward data of monitors to the defined InfluxDB instance.


Please for more details refer to

We assume that there is no firewall rule preventing Mugnsoft integrator to communicate with InfluxDB HTTP/HTTPS EndPoint. We assume that you have the right credentials to perform InfluxDB HTTP/HTTPS EndPoint configuration.

Configure Mugnsoft’s integration with InfluxDBv1.x

Create a influxDB user (optional)

$ influx -ssl -unsafeSsl
Connected to https://localhost:8086 version 1.7.9
InfluxDB shell version: 1.7.9
> create user Mugnsoft_user with password 'secret' with all privileges;
> show users
user          admin
----          -----
Mugnsoft_user true
> show databases;
name: databases


This step is optional you can use any user with write privileges.

Enable InfluxDB http endpoint with user authentification (optional)

To enable http with user authentification by updating influxDB config file influxdb.conf:

  auth-enabled = true


This step is optional you can leave the default setting false. This means that you can connect to the InfluxDB endpoint without user and password.

Restart your influxDB instance.

Add/Update the Mugnsoft integrator with InfluxDB info

Update or add a Mugnsoft integrator component with InfluxDB info. Do not forget to check the Enabled box.

influxDB's integration

relate the Mugnsoft integrator to its monitor (if not already done)

Attached this integrator component to a selected Mugnsoft monitor component.

splunk's integration

Check your InfluxDB’s Search & Reporting dashboard

You should see a database called Mugnsoft in InfluxDB.

> show databases
name: databases

Check you InfluxDB database “Mugnsoft”

You will start receiving some events in InfluxDB.

> use Mugnsoft
> show measurements
name: measurements
> show series
ScenarioTransResponseTime,location=Paris,name=my_awesome_website_probe1,status=OK,transactionName=1.\ go-url
ScenarioTransResponseTime,location=Paris,name=my_awesome_website_probe1,status=OK,transactionName=2.\ fetch-profile
ScenarioTransResponseTime,location=Paris,name=my_awesome_website_probe1,status=OK,transactionName=3.\ fetch-data
ScenarioTransResponseTime,location=Paris,name=my_awesome_website_probe1,status=OK,transactionName=4.\ log-out
ScenarioTransResponseTime,location=Paris,name=indeed2_probe1,status=OK,transactionName=1.\ go-url
ScenarioTransResponseTime,location=Paris,name=indeed2_probe1,status=OK,transactionName=2.\ input-what
ScenarioTransResponseTime,location=Paris,name=indeed2_probe1,status=OK,transactionName=3.\ input-where
ScenarioTransResponseTime,location=Paris,name=indeed2_probe1,status=OK,transactionName=4.\ button
ScenarioTransResponseTime,location=Paris,name=indeed3_probe1,status=OK,transactionName=1.\ go-url
ScenarioTransResponseTime,location=Paris,name=indeed3_probe1,status=OK,transactionName=2.\ input-what
ScenarioTransResponseTime,location=Paris,name=indeed3_probe1,status=OK,transactionName=3.\ input-where
ScenarioTransResponseTime,location=Paris,name=indeed3_probe1,status=OK,transactionName=4.\ button

Disable the Mugnsoft/InfluxDB integration

If you want to stop sending the monitors’ data to InfluxDB. Edit the integrator component and uncheck the “Enabled” checkbox.