Log in for the first time

In this chapter we will walk you through the basic steps of defining a scenario monitor.

Log in for the first time

On the MNS Webserver using localhost or browse to the MNS Webserver’s URL.

  1. Open your MNS Webserver’s web browser and navigate to https://localhost:9090/. 9090 is the default HTTP port that MNS Webserver listens unless you’ve configured a different port. Use HTTPS if you have configured SSL certificates.
  2. On the login page, type admin for the username and password. These are the default admin user and password.
webserver login
  1. You should be now logged in!
  2. once logged in, click on the server icon in the top level menu
server settings
  1. Resynchronize component token access if not already performed during component installation
server settings


We strongly encourage you to follow Mugnsoft best practices and change the default admin password straight head.
Don’t forget to record your credentials!

Using self-registered MNS components (recommanded)

Self-registered components (monitor probes and integrators) should be automatically listed here. They might be in disabled state. Enable them if required.

server settings

Manually add some MNS components

manually Add a MNS Monitor

Should you need to manuall add a Monitor probe, here are the step

  1. Click on the add button.
server settings
  1. fill in the setting form, and click save
server settings
  1. The MNS Monitor should appear in the list
server settings
At the right bottom of the page, you should see the below status
server settings

Manually add your first monitor

The recommended way to add user journey scenario is to use Mugnsoft IDE. Mugnsoft IDE allows you to build automatically your user journey without writting any line of code. Should you need to manuall add a Monitor probe, here are the steps:

  1. Go to the “MONITORS” tab and click on the “plus” icon button
server settings
  1. fill in the settings tab and optionnally the advanced and action tabs
server settings
  1. fill in the script tab and click save
server settings
  1. the new monitor should appear in the list
server settings

Manually add a MNS Integrator

Should you need to manuall add a Monitor probe, here are the step

  1. Click on the add button.
server settings
  1. fill in the setting form, and click save
server settings
  1. The MNS Integrator should appear in the list
server settings
  1. Edit the monitor probe
server settings
  1. Select and add the integrator and click save
server settings
  1. The monitor will from now on sends its data to that integrator
server settings