Downtime APIs

With the site created and the theme installed, it’s time to run the server and create content.

How to access the API?

You need to get a JWT token first. This token is valid for 15min. To refresh the token, you need to reach the /refresh_token endPoint.

API actions

  • scalability: Add new probes components in a matter of minutes.
  • api: RESTful API to communicate with Mug’N Soft components.
  • single binary, no database: Each components comes as a single binary which make it easy to deploy. No external database required. Values are stored in an embedded KV store.
  • tagging: Organize your data easily with tags.
  • advance alerting: Avoid fake alert by setting timeout or/and “number of retries and retry interval”.
  • live view: See in real-time the scenario log as it is being run automatically or on-demand.
  • security: inter-process SSL communication, HTTPS navigation, password encryption.

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