Integration with Slack
For this integration we willuse Zabbix API to create automatically a Zabbix host along with template, LLD, trggers, items and itemprototypes.
With this integration, we will start receiving Mugnsoft alerts in Zabbix console.
Please understand that with this integration, we do not need a zabbix client script whatsoever as zabbix will pull the Integrator data endpoint.
We assume that there is no firewall rule preventing Mugnsoft integrator to communicate with Zabbix. We assume that you have the right credentials to perform Zabbix operations.
Configure Mugnsoft’s integration with Zabbix
Add/Update the Mugnsoft integrator with Zabbix info
Disable the Mugnsoft/Zabbix integration
If you want to stop sending the monitors’ data to Zabbix, please delete Mugnsoft integrator host and related zabbix LLD, templates, etc…