Quick upload monitors

This page explains how to add quickly few monitors using CSV file upload feature.
Then we will upload a End User Monitoring scenario file and deploy it on our newly installed probe.

It should take less than 5 min.

We assume that you have set up a Mugnsoft First off, download the demo materials here

Add some monitors to the previous set up

Upload some monitors via CSV files

  1. Go to the import web page import CSV page

  2. Select the CSV file demo and upload it upload CSV file

  3. Check out the Monitors web page, the newly imported monitors should be here check CSV uploaded monitors

Add you first EUM scenario (using Mugnsoft IDE)

We assume here that you already have Mugnsoft IDE installed.

  1. Open Mugnsoft IDE

  2. upload a existing project

  3. Test it

  4. Deploy it

Type in the TOTP secret: I65VU7K5ZQL7WB4E

Manually add your first URL check

Manually had you first URL check for instance.

url check
url metrics
wait till you get some data, depending on the URL check frequency.

url metrics
Check some of its out-of-the-box metrics/

url metrics

Extra Note:

At startup the monitor component will autmatically look for his host version of web browsers and download the related webdrivers. To do so the probe will need access to the following webdriver website:

Access to the above three webdriver’s websites are not mandatory as you can manually download the webdrivers and put them in the drivers folder of your Mugnsoft’s monitor component (<monitor_install_dir\drivers>).

Browser webdriver webdriver download URL
Chrome Chromedriver You can download them here
Firefox Geckodriver You can download them here
Edge msedgedriver You can download them here
Safari Built-in (no webdriver required) -

Always download the browser driver that matches your browser version. Using mismatched version would result in a error during runtime.