Components operations

This section describes operations related to Mugnsoft components.

Below are the three main components of a Mugnsoft infrastructure.

  • MNS Webserver: The Webserver is the component that manages the whole infratrsucture and data. Components (a.k.a. Servers), Monitors, Reports, Downtimes, Users are managed through the Webserver WebUI. It bundles its own API interface that starts up at the same time as its webUI.
  • MNS Monitor: A probe is the component in charge of executing the business transaction scenarios, URL and API checks. It exposes an API interface.
  • MNS Integrator: An Integrator is the component in charge of integrating the business transaction scenarios, URL or API data to external products. It exposes its own API interface.

Add a MNS server

  1. once logged in, click on the server icon in the top level menu
server settings
  1. click on the “plus” icon button
server settings
  1. fill in the tabs form, and click save
server settings
  1. The MNS server should appear in the list
server settings
At the right bottom of the page, you should see the below status

server settings

Once a MNS component has been defined. Below are the available operations you can peform on this server.

Available operations

server operations

  1. Display the component system metrics charts. Go to uptime.

  2. Check the component uptime. Go to uptime.

  3. Push setting to the component. Go to push settings.

  4. Live view the component execution. Go to live view.

  5. Download the component’s run files. Go to download run files.

  6. Backup the component’s KV store. Go to backup KV store.

  7. Reinitialize the component’s KV store. Go to reinitialize KV store.

  8. Delete the component. Go to delete component.

  9. Duplicate the component. Go to edit component.

  10. Edit the component. Go to edit component.

  11. Reload component SSL certificates folder. Go to edit component.

  12. Compute monitor’s thresholds component (available only for component of type monitor probe). Go to compute threshold monitor component.

  13. Disablethe component. Go to edit component.

  14. Enable the component. Go to enable component.

component metrics

  1. hover on the server and click on the uptime icon
server uptime

Some system metrics statistics should display (CPU, MEM)

server uptime

component uptime

  1. hover on the server and click on the uptime icon
server uptime
At the right bottom of the page, you should see the below status

server uptime

Push settings

  1. hover on the component and click on the push icon
server push settings
At the right bottom of the page, you should see the below status

server push settings

Live view

  1. hover on the component and click on the live view icon
server live view
  1. the live view execution of the component is displayed in the modal windows
server live view

Download run files

  1. hover on the component and click on the download icon
server run files

At the bottom right, upon success you should see the below notification:

server run files

Backup KV store

  1. hover on the component and click on the backup icon
server backup KV store

At the bottom right, upon success you should see the below notification:
server backup KV store

Reinitialize KV store

  1. hover on the component and click on the reinitialize icon
server reinitialize KV store
  1. click on the confirm button
server reinitialize KV store

At the bottom right, upon success you should see the below notification:

server reinitialize KV store

Delete component

  1. hover on the component and click on the delete icon
server delete
  1. click on the confirm button
server delete
  1. click on the confirm warning button: depending on whether the server is reachable or not or the server’s KV store contains data or not, you see one of the below warning message:
server delete server delete

At the bottom right, upon success you should see the below notification:

server delete

Duplicate component

  1. Click on the duplicate icon
server editing

Edit component

  1. Click on the pencil icon
server editing
  1. Edit the component name, state (enabled/disabled), description.
server editing

At the bottom right, upon success you should see the below notification:
server editing

Reload SSL folder component

  1. Click on the reload ssl folder icon
server editing

At the bottom right, upon success you should see the below notification:
server editing

Compute threshold monitor component

  1. Click on the reload ssl folder icon
server editing

At the bottom right, upon success you should see the below notification:
server editing

Disable component

  1. Click on the disable icon
server editing

At the bottom right, upon success you should see the below notification:
server editing

Enable component

  1. Click on the enable icon
server editing

At the bottom right, upon success you should see the below notification:
server editing

Filter components

We can filter components based on their state (enabled/disabled) or their name.

  1. Click on the given button to toggle the filter
  2. Click on any of these value to filter based on the state
  3. Type in case sensitive pattern (part of the servername) and type enter
server filter
  1. Type in “pro” and type enter
  2. Components matching this criteria should appears in the list
server filter